Nina Grigorjeva is specialized in early music and Scandinavian folk music, and has many years of experience in both studies and freelance work in Sweden, Germany and Denmark.

Nowadays, Nina performs mainly her own unique, cross-genre compositions, where she sings and plays the harp as well as traditional woodwind instruments.

Here are a few glimpses of what her music might sound like:


Kulning / Herding call

Här följer ett exempel på Ninas solokulning med efterföljande polyfonisk improvisation tillsammans med Ida Hellsten och Hanna Andersson.

Here is an example of solo kulning, followed by polyphonic improvisation together with Ida Hellsten and Hanna Andersson.

Folklig sång / Traditional singing

Nina är en etablerad sångerska inom vispop, folkmusik och tidig musik. Här sjunger hon en traditionell fulvisa med riksspelmannen Sandra Berggren.

Nina is an active singer both in both the folk and early music genres. Down below you can hear Nina sing a traditional Swedish dirty song together with Sandra Berggren.

Harpa / Harp

For more of Ninas solo harp music, click here and here

Folkliga flöjter / Traditional flutes

For more of Ninas flute music, click here

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